医療関係者の方へ 診療科案内






日本の肺がん罹患数は年間13万人、死亡数は7万人をこえて増え続けています。肺がんのEGFR遺伝子変異は2004年に発見され (Paez et al. Science 2004, Lynch et al. N Engl J Med 2004)、日本人肺腺癌の40%を占めることがわかりました (Kosaka et al. Cancer Res2005 )。

EGFRチロシンキナーゼ阻害剤 (TKI)であるゲフィチニブは、従来の化学療法よりも無増悪生存期間を有意に延長したため、標準治療となりました (Mitsudomi et al. Lancet Oncol 2010, Maemondo et al. N Engl J Med 2010)。


その後、次々と新たなEGFR-TKIが承認されました。現在実臨床で投与可能なのは、可逆的阻害剤である第一世代EGFR-TKI (ゲフィチニブとエルロチニブ)、不可逆的阻害剤でありEGFR以外のHERファミリーも阻害する第二世代EGFR-TKI (アファチニブ)、さらにこれらで耐性となりEGFR T790M変異を獲得した肺がんに効く第三世代EGFR-TKI (オシメルチニブ)の計4剤です。

1. EGFR変異の種類毎の個別化治療

EGFR遺伝子変異のうち、代表的なエクソン19の欠失変異とエクソン21のL858R点変異で9割近くを占めます。しかし、残り13%を占めるその他の変異のある肺がんについては、少数派であるため臨床試験を組むことが難しく、治療戦略が確立しにくいのが現状です (Kobayashi and Mitsudomi. Cancer Sci 2016)。

investigation_02.png investigation_03.png

そこで、全EGFR変異のうち3.7%を占めるエクソン18の変異について研究しました。遺伝子導入技術で肺がん細胞モデルを作成して7種類のEGFR-TKIの感受性を網羅的に調べることで、第一世代や第三世代よりも第二世代のアファチニブが特に効きやすいことをみつけました (Kobayashi et al. Clin Cancer Res 2015)。

2. EGFR-TKI耐性の研究


2-1. 第1世代EGFR-TKI耐性の研究

  • investigation_04.png4種類の肺がん細胞株をエルロチニブ耐性にして、殺細胞性抗がん剤の感受性がエルロチニブ耐性前後でかわるかどうかを網羅的に調べました。その結果、耐性機序として上皮間葉転換を獲得したHCC4006細胞だけが、微小管標的薬ドセタキセル、パクリタキセル、ビノレルビンが効きにくくなること、さらに、その原因が薬剤排出ポンプABCB1であることがわかりました (Mizuuchi et al. PLoS One 2015)。
  • investigation_05.pngHCC4006細胞はEGFR-TKI耐性にすると上皮間葉転換を獲得しやすいことがわかっていますが、最初からABL/Src阻害剤ダサチニブを併用しながらエルロチニブ耐性にするとEGFR T790M変異を獲得しました。このことは、治療困難な上皮間葉転換から、第三世代EGFR-TKIで治療可能なT790Mへと耐性機序を誘導できたことを意味します (Sesumi et al. Lung Cancer 2017)。
  • investigation_06.png第一世代EGFR-TKIの獲得耐性機序の約半数を占めるEGFR T790M二次変異以外にも、L747S、D761Y、T854A変異を獲得した患者が報告されていますが、その有効な治療法はわかっていません。そこで、遺伝子導入技術でこれらの変異を獲得した細胞モデルを作成して薬剤感受性を網羅的に調べたところ、いずれも第三世代のオシメルチニブが有効であることがわかりました (Chiba et al. BMC Cancer 2017)。

2-2. 第2世代EGFR-TKI耐性の研究

  • investigation_07.png第二世代のアファチニブ耐性機序を調べるために、エクソン19欠失変異、L858R変異、エクソン18変異を遺伝子導入した細胞モデルからアファチニブ耐性株を作成して耐性機序を調べたところ、従来のT790M以外に新規L792F変異と(第三世代の耐性機序として知られている)C797S変異も起りうることを見つけました。さらに、これらがダコミチニブ、エルロチニブで治療可能であること示しました (Kobayashi et al. Mol Can Ther 2017)。

2-3. 第3世代EGFR-TKI耐性の研究

  • investigation_08.png肺がん細胞株を第3世代EGFR-TKIのツールコンパウンドCNX-2006で耐性にしたところ、EGFR変異を喪失してMET遺伝子増幅に変わりました。従来、EGFR変異を保持したままMETからのバイパスシグナルによって耐性となることは報告されていましたが、EGFRからMETへと完全にswapすることを初めて示しました (Mizuuchi et al. Cancer Sci 2016)。

組織マイクロアレイ (TMA)を使った免疫染色の研究


TMAは、組織標本ブロックから小さな円柱状に抜き取り、それを集約して1つのブロックにまとめたものです。 このブロックから薄切したスライド標本1枚には、多くの小組織片が載っている事になり、一度に多数の組織を免疫染色することができます。


  • 免疫チェックポイント阻害剤である ニボルマブとペムブロリズマブ (ともに抗PD-1抗体)は、肺がんの一部に対して標準治療になっています。非小細胞肺癌220例の切除検体を用いて、PD-L1の発現を調べたところ、腺癌の22%、扁平上皮癌の60%で陽性でした。さらに、腺癌ではPD-L1陽性は予後不良因子であることを見出しました (Shimoji et al. Lung Cancer 2016)。


  • investigation_11.png肺腺癌161例の切除検体を用いた解析で、受容体チロシンキナーゼAXLの蛋白が発現していると、予後不良であることを見出しました。さらに、AXLの発現が上皮マーカーEカドヘリンの発現低下及びCD44と関連していました (Sato et al. PLoS One 2016)。




肺切除後は肺の機能が低下するためリハビリが重要ですが、実際に日常生活にどれくらい影響するかを測ることは難しいのが現状です。そこで、アクチグラフ GT-3Xという機器を使って身体活動量 (安静時より高いエネルギー消費を伴う全ての動作)を測定しました。その結果、術後予測呼吸機能(ppo%FEV1)が80%以上と極めて呼吸機能が良好な患者群では、肺切除にもかかわらず術後の歩行・リハビリに術前と同程度の時間をかけることができており、歩数の減少も認めませんでした。このことから、患者の呼吸機能により周術期の生活活動量の変化に一定の差異があることが予想されます。(武本ら. 第105回日本肺癌学会関西支部学術集会優秀演題賞)


胸腔内洗浄細胞診 (PLC)は、肺の開胸手術時に少量の水で胸腔内を洗って回収した液体中にがん細胞がいるかどうか、すなわち、すでにがん細胞が胸腔内に散らばっているかどうかを調べる検査です。754人の肺がん切除患者のうち、38人でPLC陽性で、PLC陽性の患者の予後は悪く、pT3と同等でした。現在のTNM分類によるステージングにPLC陽性は考慮されていませんが、この結果からPLC陽性はpT3に相当することを見出しました (Tomizawa. Lung Cancer 2016)。



  • 肺がんの分子病理学的異常と臨床像の関連とくに予後との検討
  • ドライバー遺伝子変異(EGFR, ALK)を有する肺がんに対するチロシンキナーゼ阻害剤による分子標的治療の基礎的検討(耐性機構の解明とその克服)
  • 臨床的に特徴のある肺がんの次世代シーケンスを用いた解析


  1. Mizuuchi H, Suda K, Kitahara H, Shimamatsu S, Kohno M, Okamoto T, Maehara Y: Solitary pulmonary metastasis from malignant melanoma of the bulbar conjunctiva presenting as a pulmonary ground glass nodule: Report of a case, Thoracic Cancer, 6, 97-100, 2015
  2. Kobayashi Y, Nakada J, Kuroda H, Sakakura N, Usami N, and Sakao Y. Spinal epidural hematoma during anticoagulant therapy for pulmonary embolism: postoperative complications in a patient with lung cancer. Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 20, 493-6, 2014
  3. Tomizawa K, Suda K, Takemoto T, Iwasaki T, Sakaguchi M, Kuwano H, Mitsudomi T. Progression after Spontaneous Regression in Lung Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma: Report of a Curative Resection. Thoracic cancer. in press.
  4. Shimizu S, Funakoshi Y, Yoon HE, Okuma T, Utsumi T, Ito N, Sakaguchi M, Taniguchi K, Eimoto T, Matsumura A: Small Calcifying Fibrous Pseudotumor of the Heart Confined to the Epicardium: Cardiovascular Pathology, 24, 191-3, 2015
  5. Kobayashi Y, Mitsudomi T, Sakao Y, Yatabe Y. Genetic features of pulmonary adenocarcinoma presenting with ground-glass nodules: the differences between nodules with and without growth. Annals of Oncology, 26, 156-61, 2015
  6. Park J, Yamaura H, Yatabe Y, Hosoda W, Kondo C, Shimizu J, Horio Y, Yoshida K, Tanaka K, Oguri T, Kobayashi Y, and Hida T. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene rearrangements in patients with advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer: CT characteristics and response to chemotherapy. Cancer Medicine, 3, 118-123, 2014
  7. Yamatani, C, Abe M, Shimoji M, Maniwa T, Takahashi S, Isaka M, Ohde Y, Watanabe R, Ito I, Kondo H, Nakajima T: Pulmonary adenosquamous carcinoma with mucoepidermoid carcinoma-like component with characteristic p63 staining pattern; either a novel subtype originating from bronchial epithelium or variant mucoepidermoid carcinoma, Lung Cancer, 84, 45-50, 2014
  8. Suda K, Sato K, Shimizu S, Tomizawa K, Takemoto T, Iwasaki T, Sakaguchi M, Mitsudomi T. Prognostic implication of predominant histologic subtypes of lymph node metastases in surgically resected lung adenocarcinoma. Biomed Res Int, 2014:645681, 2014
  9. Suda K, Mizuuchi H, Sato K, Takemoto T, Iwasaki T, Mitsudomi T: The insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor causes acquired resistance to erlotinib in lung cancer cells with the wild-type epidermal growth factor receptor. Int J Cancer, 135, 1002-6, 2014
  10. Suda K, Mizuuchi H, Murakami I, Uramoto H, Tanaka F, Sato K, Takemoto T, Iwasaki T, Sekido Y, Yatabe Y, Mitsudomi T: CRKL amplification is rare as a mechanism for acquired resistance to kinase inhibitors in lung cancers with epidermal growth factor receptor mutation. Lung Cancer, 85, 147-51, 2014
  11. Kohno M, Okamoto T, Suda K, Shimokawa M, Kitahara H, Shimamatsu S, Konishi H, Yoshida T, Takenoyama M, Yano T, Maehara Y: Prognostic and therapeutic implications of aromatase expression in lung adenocarcinomas with EGFR mutations. Clin Cancer Res, 20, 3613-22, 2014
  12. Tomizawa K, Usami N, Fukumoto K, Sakakura N, Fukui T, Ito S, Hatooka S, Kuwano H, Mitsudomi T, Sakao Y. Risk assessment of perioperative mortality after pulmonary resection in patients with primary lung cancer: the 30- or 90-day mortality. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 62, 308-13, 2014
  13. Tomizawa K, Suda K, Takemoto T, Mizuno T, Kuroda H, Sakakura N, Iwasaki T, Sakaguchi M, Kuwano H, Mitsudomi T. Prognosis and segment-specific nodal spread of primary lung cancer in the right lower lobe. Thoracic Cancer, in press
  14. Yokobori T, Yokoyama Y, Mogi A, Endoh H, Altan B, Kosaka T, Yamaki E, Yajima T, Tomizawa K, Azuma Y, Onozato R, Miyazaki T, Tanaka S, Kuwano H. FBXW7 mediates chemotherapeutic sensitivity and prognosis in NSCLCs. Mol Cancer Res, 12, 32-7, 2014
  15. Sato T, Teramukai S, Kondo H, Watanabe A, Ebina M, Kishi K, Fujii Y, Mitsudomi T, Yoshimura M, Maniwa T, Suzuki K, Kataoka K, Sugiyama Y, Kondo T, Date H, Japanese Association for Chest S: Impact and predictors of acute exacerbation of interstitial lung diseases after pulmonary resection for lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 147, 1604-1611, 2014
  16. Park KS, Raffeld M, Moon YW, Xi L, Bianco C, Pham T, Lee LC, Mitsudomi T, Yatabe Y, Okamoto I, Subramaniam D, Mok T, Rosell R, Luo J, Salomon DS, Wang Y, Giaccone G: CRIPTO1 expression in EGFR-mutant NSCLC elicits intrinsic EGFR-inhibitor resistance. J Clin Invest, 124, 3003-15, 2014
  17. Ebi H, Oze I, Nakagawa T, Ito H, Hosono S, Matsuda F, Takahashi M, Takeuchi S, Sakao Y, Hida T, Faber AC, Tanaka H, Yatabe Y, Mitsudomi T, Yano S, Matsuo K: Lack of association between the BIM deletion polymorphism and the risk of lung cancer with and without EGFR mutations. J Thorac Oncol, 10, 59-66, 2015
  18. Suda K, Sato K, Mizuuchi H, Kobayashi Y, Shimoji M, Tomizawa K, Takemoto T, Iwasaki T, Sakaguchi M, Mitsudomi T: Recent evidence, advances, and current practices in surgical treatment of lung cancer. Respir Investig, 52, 322-9, 2014
  19. Mitsudomi T: Molecular epidemiology of lung cancer and geographic variations with special reference to EGFR mutation. Transl Lung Cancer Res, 3, 205-11, 2014.
  20. Mitsudomi T: Dacomitinib, another option for EGFR mutated lung cancer? Lancet Oncol, 15, 1408-9, 2014
  21. Suda K, Mitsudomi T: Successes and limitations of targeted cancer therapy in lung cancer, in Peters S, Stahel R (eds): Successes and limitations of targted cancer therapy. Basel, Switzerland, Karger, pp 62-77, 2014.
  22. Morgensztern D, Mitsudomi T, Maher C, Govindan R: Mutational events in lung cancer: Present and developing technologies, in Pass H, Ball D, Scagliotti V (eds): Lung Cancer, IASLC press, pp 145-154, 2014.
  23. Ozeki N, Fukui T, Taniguchi T, et al: Significance of the serum carcinoembryonic antigen level during the follow-up of patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 45:687-92, 2014
  24. Kobayashi Y, Sakao Y, Deshpande GA, et al: The association between baseline clinical-radiological characteristics and growth of pulmonary nodules with ground-glass opacity. Lung Cancer 83:61-6, 2014
  25. Fukatsu A, Ishiguro F, Tanaka I, et al: RASSF3 downregulation increases malignant phenotypes of non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 83:23-9, 2014
  26. Yamada T, Takeuchi S, Fujita N, et al: Akt kinase-interacting protein1, a novel therapeutic target for lung cancer with EGFR-activating and gatekeeper mutations. Oncogene 32:4427-35, 2013
  27. Tomizawa K, Ito S, Suda K, et al: Solitary pulmonary metastasis from lung cancer harboring EML4-ALK after a 15-year disease-free interval. Lung Cancer 80:99-101, 2013
  28. Sugano M, Nagasaka T, Sasaki E, et al: HNF4alpha as a marker for invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung. Am J Surg Pathol 37:211-8, 2013
  29. Suda K, Mitsudomi T: Unintentional weakness of cancers: the MEK-ERK pathway as a double-edged sword. Mol Cancer Res 11:1125-8, 2013
  30. Satouchi M, Okamoto I, Sakai H, et al: Efficacy and safety of weekly nab-paclitaxel plus carboplatin in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 81:97-101, 2013
  31. Sato T, Teramukai S, Kondo H, et al: Impact and predictors of acute exacerbation of interstitial lung diseases after pulmonary resection for lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2013
  32. Ozeki N, Fukui T, Taniguchi T, et al: Significance of the serum carcinoembryonic antigen level during the follow-up of patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2013
  33. Mitsudomi T, Suda K, Yatabe Y: Surgery for NSCLC in the era of personalized medicine. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 10:235-44, 2013
  34. Kobayashi Y, Sakao Y, Ito S, et al: Transformation to Sarcomatoid Carcinoma in ALK-Rearranged Adenocarcinoma, Which Developed Acquired Resistance to Crizotinib and Received Subsequent Chemotherapies. J Thorac Oncol 8:e75-8, 2013
  35. Kobayashi Y, Sakao Y, Deshpande GA, et al: The association between baseline clinical-radiological characteristics and growth of pulmonary nodules with ground-glass opacity. Lung Cancer, 2013
  36. Kobayashi Y, Fukui T, Ito S, et al: How long should small lung lesions of ground-glass opacity be followed? J Thorac Oncol 8:309-14, 2013
  37. Kobayashi Y, Fukui T, Ito S, et al: Pulmonary metastasectomy for gastric cancer: a 13-year single-institution experience. Surg Today 43:1382-9, 2013
  38. Kobayashi R, Mori S, Wakai K, et al: Paravertebral block via the surgical field versus epidural block for patients undergoing thoracotomy: a randomized clinical trial. Surg Today 43:963-9, 2013
  39. Kim HS, Mitsudomi T, Soo RA, et al: Personalized therapy on the horizon for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Lung Cancer 80:249-55, 2013
  40. Ito H, Gallus S, Hosono S, et al: Time to first cigarette and lung cancer risk in Japan. Ann Oncol, 2013
  41. Hirsch FR, Janne PA, Eberhardt WE, et al: Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition in lung cancer: status 2012. J Thorac Oncol 8:373-84, 2013
  42. Hattori N, Kanemitsu Y, Komori K, et al: Outcomes after hepatic and pulmonary metastasectomies compared with pulmonary metastasectomy alone in patients with colorectal cancer metastasis to liver and lungs. World J Surg 37:1315-21, 2013
  43. Fukatsu A, Ishiguro F, Tanaka I, et al: RASSF3 downregulation increases malignant phenotypes of non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2013
  44. Asamura H, Hishida T, Suzuki K, et al: Radiographically determined noninvasive adenocarcinoma of the lung: survival outcomes of Japan Clinical Oncology Group 0201. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 146:24-30, 2013
  45. Akamatsu H, Inoue A, Mitsudomi T, et al: Interstitial Lung Disease Associated with Gefitinib in Japanese Patients with EGFR-mutated Non-small-cell Lung Cancer: Combined Analysis of Two Phase III Trials (NEJ 002 and WJTOG 3405). Jpn J Clin Oncol 43:664-8, 2013
  46. Ueno T, Toyooka S, Suda K, et al: Impact of age on epidermal growth factor receptor mutation in lung cancer. Lung Cancer 78:207-11, 2012
  47. Suda K, Tomizawa K, Osada H, et al: Conversion from the "oncogene addiction" to "drug addiction" by intensive inhibition of the EGFR and MET in lung cancer with activating EGFR mutation. Lung Cancer 76:292-9, 2012
  48. Suda K, Tomizawa K, Mizuuchi H, et al: Genetic and Prognostic Differences of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer between Elderly Patients and Younger Counterparts. Aging Dis 3:438-43, 2012
  49. Suda K, Mizuuchi H, Maehara Y, et al: Acquired resistance mechanisms to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in lung cancer with activating epidermal growth factor receptor mutation-diversity, ductility, and destiny. Cancer Metastasis Rev 31:807-14, 2012
  50. Shien K, Ueno T, Tsukuda K, et al: Knockdown of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene to investigate its therapeutic potential for the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancers. Clin Lung Cancer 13:488-93, 2012
  51. Ogawa S, Horio Y, Yatabe Y, et al: Patterns of recurrence and outcome in patients with surgically resected small cell lung cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 17:218-24, 2012
  52. Nakagawa T, Takeuchi S, Yamada T, et al: Combined Therapy with Mutant-Selective EGFR Inhibitor and Met Kinase Inhibitor for Overcoming Erlotinib Resistance in EGFR-Mutant Lung Cancer. Mol Cancer Ther 11:2149-57, 2012
  53. Murakami Y, Mitsudomi T, Yatabe Y: A Screening Method for the ALK Fusion Gene in NSCLC. Front Oncol 2:24, 2012
  54. Mitsudomi T, Tada H: EGFR Gene Mutations: Is it Prognostic or Predictive in Surgically Resected Lung Cancer? J Thorac Oncol 7:1739-41, 2012
  55. Lan Q, Hsiung CA, Matsuo K, et al: Genome-wide association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking women in Asia. Nat Genet 44:1330-5, 2012
  56. Koizumi H, Yamada T, Takeuchi S, et al: Hsp90 inhibition overcomes HGF-triggering resistance to EGFR-TKIs in EGFR-mutant lung cancer by decreasing client protein expression and angiogenesis. J Thorac Oncol 7:1078-85, 2012
  57. Kobayashi Y, Fukui T, Ito S, et al: Pulmonary metastasectomy for gastric cancer: a 13-year single-institution experience. Surg Today, 2012
  58. Katakami N, Tada H, Mitsudomi T, et al: A phase 3 study of induction treatment with concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus chemotherapy before surgery in patients with pathologically confirmed N2 stage IIIA nonsmall cell lung cancer (WJTOG9903). Cancer 118:6126-35, 2012
  59. Ito H, McKay JD, Hosono S, et al: Association between a genome-wide association study-identified locus and the risk of lung cancer in Japanese population. J Thorac Oncol 7:790-8, 2012
  60. Goto K, Satouchi M, Ishii G, et al: An evaluation study of EGFR mutation tests utilized for non-small-cell lung cancer in the diagnostic setting. Ann Oncol 23:2914-9, 2012
  61. Fukui T, Yatabe Y, Kobayashi Y, et al: Clinicoradiologic characteristics of patients with lung adenocarcinoma harboring EML4-ALK fusion oncogene. Lung Cancer 77:319-25, 2012
  62. Fujita Y, Suda K, Kimura H, et al: Highly Sensitive Detection of EGFR T790M Mutation Using Colony Hybridization Predicts Favorable Prognosis of Patients with Lung Cancer Harboring Activating EGFR Mutation. J Thorac Oncol 7:1640-4, 2012
  63. Yatabe Y, Matsuo K, Mitsudomi T: Heterogeneous distribution of EGFR mutations is extremely rare in lung adenocarcinoma. J Clin Oncol 29:2972-7, 2011
  64. Yano S, Yamada T, Takeuchi S, et al: Hepatocyte growth factor expression in EGFR mutant lung cancer with intrinsic and acquired resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in a Japanese cohort. J Thorac Oncol 6:2011-7, 2011
  65. Weidle UH, Maisel D, Eick D: Synthetic lethality-based targets for discovery of new cancer therapeutics. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 8:159-71, 2011
  66. Travis WD, Brambilla E, Noguchi M, et al: International association for the study of lung cancer/american thoracic society/european respiratory society international multidisciplinary classification of lung adenocarcinoma. J Thorac Oncol 6:244-85, 2011
  67. Toyooka S, Mitsudomi T, Soh J, et al: Molecular oncology of lung cancer. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 59:527-37, 2011
  68. Tomizawa K, Suda K, Onozato R, et al: Prognostic and predictive implications of HER2/ERBB2/neu gene mutations in lung cancers. Lung Cancer 74:139-144, 2011
  69. Suzuki K, Koike T, Asakawa T, et al: A Prospective Radiological Study of Thin-Section Computed Tomography to Predict Pathological Noninvasiveness in Peripheral Clinical IA Lung Cancer (Japan Clinical Oncology Group 0201). J Thorac Oncol 6:751-756, 2011
  70. Suda K, Tomizawa K, Yatabe Y, et al: Lung cancers unrelated to smoking: characterized by single oncogene addiction? Int J Clin Oncol 16:294-305, 2011
  71. Suda K, Tomizawa K, Fujii M, et al: Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Mutant Lung Cancer Cell Line with Acquired Resistance to Erlotinib. J Thorac Oncol 6:1152-1161, 2011
  72. Ogawa S, Horio Y, Yatabe Y, et al: Patterns of recurrence and outcome in patients with surgically resected small cell lung cancer. Int J Clin Oncol:Epub ahead of print, 2011
  73. Mitsudomi T: Erlotinib, gefitinib, or chemotherapy for EGFR mutation-positive lung cancer? Lancet Oncol 12:710-1, 2011
  74. Li-Wan-Po A, Farndon PA, Kobayashi S, et al: The Pharmacogenetic Rescue of Side-Lined Anticancer Drugs to the Front-Line: Gefitinib as a Case Example (February). Ann Pharmacother:Epub ahead of pprint, 2011
  75. Lee YJ, Kim JH, Kim SK, et al: Lung cancer in never smokers: change of a mindset in the molecular era. Lung Cancer 72:9-15, 2011
